Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So I have spent my entire evening playing the new game that is all the rage... FarmVille. Well, that is really not the only thing I did; I was able to multi-task and drink Bailey's Irish Cream, watch Law and Order, American Idol, and King of Queens, AND text my step-mother and my friend. A night well spent though not completely over because I have to harvest my crops in about another hour.

I am very excited in playing this game as I now have a pond on my farm and TWO ducks. They are getting busy, as we speak, behind the chicken coop and I should have duckling waddling about very soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tonight is a solemn night. The closing of a very significant chapter in my life. It was a very short but defining chapter. There have been many "ah ha" moments in my life and this is to be marked as one.

I have come to the realization that I may never marry again and I may be okay with that. The thought of never being married again does not scare me like it use to. I suppose after "walking through the valley" in my last marriage and the things I have learned about myself since, being single really no longer scares or saddens me.

I pray that my heart has not just become hardened and that some day, I will be ready and God will be in the center of it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What to write, what to write...

I am soooo uninspired to write tonight. I actually want to write but nothing is just jumping up in my mind and shouting, "Pick me! Pick me!". Unlike Lucy, I do not have any funny poop stories. I do however have a "duck tale". Ha, ha, ha...

I started this blog at the encouragement of Lucy and the "duck" theme, as I stated in my profile, was born out of an insult from my boss. Lucy and I have had many conversations and great laughs over the title and chapter of my "duck" book (which we continually joke about me writing) and ducks have become my inspiration these days. It's almost like being pregnant... I see them EVERYWHERE!

Well today I had a mother duck and 9 ducklings in my very own backyard! Now how's that for a sign? As far as I know, they are still back there in the weeds somewhere. For those of you wondering, "Dang, you can't tell if you have ducks in your weeds?" No I really can't. Ha, ha, ha... I have a third of an acre of unlandscaped yard and one third of that has not been mowed down yet. Great hiding place for a ducky family!

A poopy day lol

Well first when was the last time you saw a poopy duck, never ? Well today Lucy duck had her share of poop. I won't share all the gruesome details but Ethel understands. Thats her in the picture. You know the little yellow duck trying to figure how to blend in with the other ducklings.
Okay well maybe not to blend but to get up on the wall, because well no reason at all, thats the kind of random thoughts she has. For Lucy, her cat was pooping as she was trying to run down the hallway holding the cat as she is releasing herself all the way. So picked up the poop, yuck! Had to change the bed another story of poop but I will leave that story for another time. You know the older you get the more random ideas pop into your mind. Ideas that hold no meaning, other than to bring you a chuckle. Like my random thought of a story a co-worker shared one time at break that he husband like to s---- her with a br---. Haven't seen her, can't remember her name, just what she said popped into my mind. lol just strange thoughts like that. Do you have those same kind of random thoughts, if so we would love to hear them.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Just another day

... in the life of a duck. Nothing special happening today. Had coffee with Lucy but it was quick. Too quick and very disappointing. Kind of like... well, I won't go there. I will try to keep it clean.

I'm sitting here while my boyfriend mows the lawn, trying to decide what I should be doing. Plenty to do but nothing is really saying to me, "You really need to get this done." so, I do nothing.

Ok, I really am doing something. I am playing with this blog and trying to figure out how to get the profile pictures to show up on the front blog page. This is my first time blogging and I am very computer illiterate. Who's idea was this anyway? Oh yeah, it was Lucy's. She has such brilliant ideas sometimes; though please don't ask her about today's grand idea... you don't want to know. Hugh Heffner doesn't want to know!

Ok, a little about Lucy and I. We have been friends for many years and yes, we are quite the team. We are the spitting image of Lucy and Ethel in the "I love Lucy" show with the exception that I am a brunette. Lucy is forever causing hysterical moments in my life and the lives of her family and friends. No one is safe from her antics or witty tongue. And please, please, please never offer her a dare. She is a "dare addict" and is in recovery for it as we speak. I, on the other hand, am quite, demure, sweet, and oh yes, very, very humble. Ha, ha, ha... Ok, really, I am more on the quiet side (at least more so than Lucy) and I try desperately not to draw attention to myself, though when I am with Lucy, we are always the object of attention.

Let me just give you a taste of our ordinary adventures... hmmmm...where to start? How about the day we went to Costco? Before I begin, I must preface the story with the facts that Lucy has Multiple Sclerosis and I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetes and a few other conditions. I state this so you can better appreciate the humorous antics we share (and possibly Lucy's posts about "voiding" HAHAHA).

Now on to Costco... We decided to walk around Costco one day during the holiday season. It was crowded but not overly so we pushed on to enjoy our "windowless" shopping. We came upon some of those fuzzy tan boots that everyone calls "Ugs" and Lucy wanted to try some on. Not a big deal right? Well, once she got them on, she could not get them off. So Picture this... woman with MS (loses her balance with the breeze) is trying to pull these boots off her feet while standing. Not happening. I try to help pull them off but Lucy can't stand while I am pulling on her leg. She sits on the floor and I, with my weak, arthritic hands, try to pull the boot off her foot only to slide her butt across the smooth concrete floor! Ok, now everyone is looking and we are laughing so hard we are crying. That happens a lot! Great times, great times.

We will have many more such silly antics for you very, very soon. Working on this blog I'm sure will be one of them.

ever notice

If you say oh wait it sounds like 08. Just came to my mind this morning. Amazing what your mind can do. lol

Tip for the day

When you have a battery operated tooth brush it works more effectively when you actually turn it on.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

2:35 pm

2:35pm just voided, ahead of the game it's going to be a good day. lol


Hi my friends, aka Ethel. Well this morning started out great with you bringing me that donut, still trying to void every 3 hours as the doctor ordered. It's coming up on 3pm so I have one hour left. lol Its pretty funny when the only thing you have planned for a day is to see how many times you bladder will release it self. So why the ducks and not the eagles? Everyone aspires to be an eagle but we spend most of their lives swimming with the other ducks. They are the indivduals who can find a ray of light in the hardest of situations especially rain storms. They are the ones that hold you up when you feel like your going under. They have a have great sense of humor and the love to laugh. They are the ones that won't migrate, they stay right in the water with you. Well that is what I would like to think, but the truth is they probably have just forgotten how to fly.