Sunday, April 11, 2010

A beautiful adventure...

I have spent the last two days recuperating from a day trip to the Napa Valley with Lucy. My body hurts so bad I can't think straight. Heck, you would think that I ran a marathon the way my body feels but all I did was drive! Ok, there was a short hike up a hill at the castle but, DANG it was only a very small hill! On the way down the hill, we even got a "thumbs-up" from someone driving by in his car. We must have been a sight. This is a picture from the top of the hill.

We has such a blast tasting wine and enjoying God's beautiful creations, as well as those of man. There are such beautiful wineries in Napa Valley and the castle just takes your breath away. What a fairy tale wedding it would be to be married in this castle. I was in awe at the construction and the surroundings. It's like being transported back into time.

Yes, I took pictures of the flowers as Lucy mentioned in her post but I am just in awe of the beauty God surrounds us with every day. I know Lucy was not thrilled with my nature gazing but I sure enjoyed it!

The one thing we did not see in Napa Valley, and we looked, was a duck. It seems roosters are the big things there. No duck emblems, figurines, stickers, or even live ones to speak of. How very sad. I just don't get the thing with roosters and why people collect them but then I guess others don't get my obsession with ducks. Lucy even bought me a chocolate one for Easter. He's so cute!

Lucy had asked me on our trip, how do I stay so stinking happy all the time with all that is going on with my health? I really don't know other than to say it is a gift from God. Don't get me wrong, I have my down days and even a pity party or two on occasion, but I don't stay there long. It struck me as funny the way she described me; "Well Ethel has more medical conditions than anyone I know. She seems to add one each day like you would find a penny on the ground, seriously. She is the most perky, happy person I know the total opposite of Lucy". How funny is that? Unfortunately, she is correct. I have had three new diagnosis' just in the last 6 months! What's a duck to do? Well, I have 7 new bottles of wine to ease my pain...just kidding... I do have the 7 bottles but not for pain. Lucy and I really don't need to be drinking any wine. We're a riot without any booze and it only gets more hysterical when we do add a lil' sip or two. I guess I will have to think about our next adventure and hope that it doesn't take me another two days to recuperate from it.

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