Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Going on strike is not an option...

I live with four males, two dogs and three cats. Yep, here it comes...the rantings of a loony duck at her wits end. Hmmm...where to start?

What is it about cleaning up the kitchen and washing the dishes that some men just don't get? Is it they're mother's fault? How long can we blame the mother? You would think after several (almost daily) passive-aggressive, mini tantrums on my part, they might get the hint...but NOOOOO... I just cannot wrap my mind around it. So, I have even come to the point of asking directly (at times, almost commanding) for them to clean up after themselves. Well, that just opens the door for even MORE frustration on my part. Our dishwasher does not work so dishes must be done by hand and I wash dishes two, and sometimes three, times a day, as well as clean up all the crumbs and food left on the counters, close the cupboards and bags of bread or chips left open and clean all the splatters all over the stove!

Last week one of my roommates offered to do the dinner dishes. Oh how very nice! "Finally", I thought. I went to bed that night and woke up to more frustration. Yes, the dishes were washed but only the "dishes". There were still four pots and a baking sheet on the stove that were never washed. The other thing that set me off was that the dishes I had done previously were never put away before he washed dishes that night. Then, to top it all off, half the dishes were not clean!

Com'on people! I know the days of doing dishes by hand are long behind us in this modern world but seriously, I just don't understand how someone cannot know how to wash dishes! First, make sure when you wash the dishes, the food is completely gone from ALL SIDES! Wash the back sides of the plates! Wash the outsides of the glasses! Can you not see it? Can you not feel it?

That afternoon, I put the dishes away, washed the dishes that were now dirty, washed the pots and pans, and rewashed some of the dishes that were not done correctly the night before. The same roommate said he would wash dishes again that night. Hmmm... Well, they didn't get done that night but he did do them the next morning. However, once again, some were not clean AND, he did not put the clean dishes away before he washed the dirty ones. He literally shifted and rearranged the clean dishes in the drainer to put more dishes in. I was in awe...and not in a good way.

Today, one of the guys cooked himself a steak for lunch. Grease splattered all over the stove, cheese and food all over the counter. I went to wash the dishes and my fiance' told him that he needed to do the dishes and I said, no, that I would do them but he needed to clean up his mess. Then reminded him 20 minutes later to wipe down the stove. Now, to make this terribly difficult task easier, I have a container of Clorox wipes right next to the stove. What does he do? He takes the dish towel and swipes it over the stove and only gets up part of the grease and splatter. One swipe and he throws the towel on the counter and walks away!

So, my thought this afternoon was to go on strike but after much mental deliberation with myself, I decided this is not feasible. I cannot take the insanity of watching my kitchen get messier and messier and the thought that I will have to wash a dish before I eat or drink. I feel at this point, my options are nil if I want to keep my sanity. I am ready to pull my ruffled feathers out!

Oh, I forgot to mention that last week, I asked one of the guys to put the dishes away and he said it would be done before I got up in the morning. I said if it wasn't, he would have to pay me $25. It was not and I did make $25. Maybe that will be my solution. I will charge a weekly kitchen fee!!!

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